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Private Dream Waters in Bavaria
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We refrain from unnecessary advertising and send the newsletter on certain seasonal topics, news, vouchers or practice reports of the water. It appears from weekly to once a month. Of course you can cancel the newsletter at any time via a link in the mail or write us an email to unsubscribe. You retain full control, as we value and protect your personal information is very important.

In contrast to many other providers, we do not give the e-mail addresses for shipping outside the home to a service provider.

What can you look forward to?

• The newsletter is dedicated to a wide range of fishing topics, practical reports or product recommendations for specific methods.
• With our newsletter, you are always informed about the latest events such as courses, season opening, fishing highlights and more.
• There are reports directly from the Traun, from the Hechtsee or from other destinations in Europe and beyond Europe's borders.
• Get information on the latest models or be the first to know about discontinued products.
• Tips and stories from professionals let you look over the shoulders of the expert anglers.
• There are always seasonally suitable fly fishing themes • You will also find out more about the seasonal special offers in the newsletter

Marcel mit einer tollen Äsche aus der steirischen Salza
Rudi Heger beim Fliegenfischen auf Großhecht
Fliegenfischen prachtvolle Bachforelle aus der bayerischen Traun