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Fly Fishing
- Angeln mit Streamer
- Interview Gerhard Laible
- Fly Fishing for Beginners
- Flyfishers from foreign countries
- Fly Fishing in Autumn
- Fly Fishing for Grayling
- The right leader for fly fishing
- Kaufkriterien Wathosen
- RIO Trout Fly Lines
Season Start - Tackle Check
- Fly Fishing for Hucho
- RIO SlickCast & ConnectCore Plus
- Fly Fishing for Carp
- Fly Fishing with Mayflies
- SAGE R8 Technology
- Fly Fishing for Pike
- Czech Nymphing
- Trout Spey Fly Fishing
- Advantages of Trout Trap Nymphs
- Fly Fishing in Saltwater
- Fly Fishing for Bonefish
- Accessories Recommendations
- HANAK Competition
- Fly Fishing for Trout with Hopper Flies
- Fly Tying
Fly Fishing

Waders, Wading Boots and Wading Jacket
Usually after a long fishing season you just put away your waders and jacket into the the garage or the storage room. Mostly you will forget this tiny little hole in your waders leaking every time you step into the water. Today it is very simple to repair those little puncture holes with the reight repair kits. A leaking seam or larger leaking areas are usually a great indicator that the lifetime of your waders is over. Time to get a new one!
To be honest sometimes our impression is that some fishermen have higher lifetime expectations for their waders than for their loved cars! Seriously! To make a long story short: sometimes you need to buy a new pair of waders and right BEFORE the start of the season would be the perfect timing to do so. We are happy to assist you with this purchase!
We recommend to check the following things concerning your waders, boots and wading jacket:
- Waders - check for waterproofness - if you can't find any holes then put water into the legs.
Now you will see every hole dripping...don't forget to mark the holes before draining the water again.
- It is easily possible to repair small puncture holes - if the leaking is too big - if might be time for new waders.
- Wading boots - how is the condition of the soles? Usually at least the laces need to be renewed.
- Wading Jacket - please wash you wading jacket just with special detergents for breathable jackets. This is the only way to rejuvenate the waterproofness and brethability. We suggest to use the dryer after the washing maschine thus the water repellency will be completely restored.

Fly Rods, Fly Reels and Fly Lines
We really suggest to check your fly rods, reels and lines as well. Normally this is also a fun part of the upcoming season. It simply means the new season is just around the corner and the closing times of the fish are over soon. Fly fishing will start again very soon!
The development of modern premium fly rods was incredible through the last decades. Rods built 20 years ago cannot be compared with todays rods. Todays rods are usually lighter and much stronger. Good casters are able to hit a pin hole with accurate cast. If you still own one of those older, heavier rods you should get your hands on a modern premium fly rod combined with a modern fly line. It is a completly different story and you will love it for sure! We invite you to do it here in Siegsdorf right in front of the company at the Weisse Traun river.
We suggest to check the follwing things at your fly rods:
- Reel seat - is it fixed to the rod and there should be no dirt on the srew threads.
- Guides - please check all the guides including the top guide. Usually line malfunctions are caused by damaged or dirty guides.
- Part connections - are the connections of your rod parts clean and without any damages?
- Rod care - please take a cotton cloth and clean the rod parts with some hand warm soap water.
- Coating - how is the condition of the fly line coating? Any cracks or fractions?
Then it is time for a new fly line! - How old is your fly line? Sometimes the lifetime of your fly line is over and you should get a new one.
- Loop connection - defective loops can be exchanged through braided loops.
- Fly Line Care - clean your fly line in a hand warm bath of soapy water. Subsequently you should apply any time of fly line conditioner to extend the lifetime of your fly line.
- The lifetime of nylon fly leaders are definately limited. We suggest to use "fresh" leaders and leader material every season. Usually the environmental influences like sunlight and heat of the car reduce the strenght of your leaders.
- Please remember: it is very annoying if you loose a large brown trout on a bad "last season" leader...

Useful products
Just drop your waders and boots put them into be bag and you are good to go. This is a very convenient, clean and easy solution. It is the best to hang your waders to let them dry.
Additionally we can fully suggest our TRAUN RIVER Primaloft pants for perfect insulation inside your waders!
Must Have Accessoires
There are a few "must have" tackle accessoires which help you on the water a lot.
Here you can find some product recommendations. All these products are well tested and used by us a lot. We can fully recommend all those products!
Please check the following products for the season start:
- Floatant - Still have enough in your Nev-R-Sink bottle?
- Tippet spools - still have enough material on your 5X spool?
- Polarizing glasses - "Where was mine again?" We suggest the AQUILA polarizing sunglasses
R. R.