Crafty Laser Minnow
Faden: Veevus GSP+ G02 50DKörper: Hareline Ice Dub Silver Holographic Dubbing
Augen: Easy Shrimp Eyes
Haken: Gamakatsu F314 #8-4
Beisspunkt: Deer Creek Mega Laser Dub, red. Optional ein bisschen Crystal Flash als Schwanz.
Beschwerung: Bleidraht
Rippung: Kupferdraht ultra

Secure the thread (Veevus GSP+ G02 50D) to the hook F314 #6.2.
Build the body with some silver Ice Dub.

Tie in a small bundle of Fly Fur Olive. Do not tie it as a "hollow style" because this the ruin the more streamlined shape the fly needs in the water.4.
Tie in some strands of green Angel Hair and secure it with Zap A Gap.

Tie in a small section of Hot Pink Ice Dub to immitate gills.6.
Then tie in two small bunches of Deer Creek Mega Laser Dub, white and olive as head.

Turn over the excess fibers and tie ind. Form the head by ripping of some of the dubbing. Finish the fly with some Zab A Gap.8.
The flies head is made from some 3D eyes and some Bug Bund UV glue. This fly is very simple but very effective. The colours can be varied in hundreds of ways to suit your fishing.
Streamer Fur
dark shaphire
Perfect for Trout, Pike, Perch, Zander, Catfish, Taimen, Steelhead and Sea Trout Streamers!
Half the underfur and twice the overfur of other select craft furs. Longest, most supple fibers will not leave you wanting for your pike and streamer patterns. Super fine fibers are coated so that they do not clump, but flow freely when wet.
Patch size: 35 x 6 cm.
Half the underfur and twice the overfur of other select craft furs
Longest, most supple fibers will not leave you wanting for your pike and streamer patterns
Super fine fibers are coated so that they do not clump, but flow freely when wet
Uniquely designed colors for fish - not left over colors from other industries
Great marabou replacement
Perfect for tying your flies and jigs
Outlasts the natural fibers it replaces
Fibers made from 45% post-consumer products
35 x 6 cm patch size
Traun River