Produktinformationen "King Flow Fly (Olive) (6 Stück)"
Ein leichter und beweglicher Intruder Streamer für Forellen. Ideal auch zum Trout Spey Angeln.
One of the holy grails of trout streamers is capturing a big natural profile with minimal mass that casts easily and swims freely. The Flow Fly is the lightest, twitchiest big streamer you can throw. Because of the way it is constructed, with flashy innards and natural flowing collars and wings surrounding them, it forms the perfect, fishy teardrop baitfish shape, whether swung on a trout spey or stripped off the banks from a drift boat. Tied on a lightly weighted shank with a trailing stringer hook, and in a range of natural colors, the Flow Fly connects with both the reluctant nippers and the more aggressive headbangers.
Inhalt: 6 Stück
RIO Products5050 So. Yellowstone Highway
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
Verantwortliche Person
Rudi Heger GmbHHauptstr. 4
83313 Siegsdorf
Telefon: 08662 7070
RIO hat es seit vielen Jahren immer wieder geschafft tolle Innovationen in Sachen Fliegenschnüren und Schnurzubehör auf den Markt zu bringen.
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